strand of oaks – live at the sheen center

wundervoll. einfach wundervoll. sollte zufällig jmd über ein video des kompletten auftritts stolpern, bitte bescheid sagen.

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infos & gelöt.

vorfreude: overflow by rival consoles

wenn der rest mit den beiden bisher veröffentlichten tracks mithalten kann, dürfte da anfang dezember ein feines stück elektronik auf uns zukommen.

Rival Consoles returns with a new album — a resonant and explorative soundscape of original music, composed for renowned choreographer Alexander Whitley’s contemporary dance production Overflow, and shares bold opening track Monster.

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bob geldof

heute vor siebzig jahren erblickte der grosse robert frederick zenon geldof im schönen irischen dún laoghaire das licht der welt. … just in case someone cares.

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the notwist – vertigo dubs vol. 1: odd nosdam

ich freue mich schon auf den rest. smiley.

»Vertigo Dubs Vol.1: Odd Nosdam« is the first in a series of 10inches accompanying The Notwist’s current album »Vertigo Days«, and will present new versions of some of its tracks.
For this first volume, long-time collaborator Odd Nosdam drops a stripped-down and driving mix of the lead single »Ship«.
»Oh Sweet Fire«, on the other hand, was nearly rebuilt from scratch here: The song, which features Ben LaMar Gay in its original version, was not only remixed but also complemented by a brand new beat produced by JEL, as well as by some new vocal tracks, exclusively recorded by Saya of Tenniscoats.
»Vertigo Dubs Vol.1« is a continuation of The Notwist’s collective approach that led to »Vertigo Days«, while offering new access to the album’s songs.

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