the anjunadeep edition 371 on rotation tour mix

auch als frühstückshintergrundrauschen bestens geeignet. smiley.

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the beatles: get back | official trailer

ich bin nun weissgott nicht der grösste beatles fanboi der welt, aber um die doku kommt man vermutlich kaum herum, wenn man sich für musik interessiert.

The official trailer for #TheBeatlesGetBack is here! The Disney+ original docuseries, directed by Peter Jackson, will be arriving on Disney+ just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. Made entirely from never-before-seen, restored footage, it provides the most intimate and honest glimpse into the creative process and relationship between John, Paul, George, and Ringo ever filmed. Be sure to check them both out, and don’t forget to watch “The Beatles: Get Back” when it rolls out over three days, November 25, 26, and 27, 2021, exclusively on Disney+.

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