kurstin x grohl: the hanukkah sessions 2021: night five (featuring violet grohl)
ziemlich wundervoll.
everything not saved will be lost. ~nintendo
ziemlich wundervoll.
seltengrosses cover-tennis! smiley.
Once upon a time, two nice Jewish boys from Queens named Jeffery Hyman and Thomas Erdelyi changed the world forever with their music….. as Joey and Tommy Ramone!
GABBAI GABBAI HEY! Ladies and gentlemen… It’s the Ramones! Blitzkreig Bop!
wie grossartig ist das denn bitteschön?!
Welcome back to the menorah, y’all. Let’s kick it this year’s Hanukkah sessions with one of Dallas, Texas’s favorite Jewish daughters. So put on your coffee shop spectacles and your Betsey Johnson dress and HAVA listen to this… „Stay” by Lisa Loeb.
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