da ich wirklich gar keine idee habe, welches label ich auf diese schublade draufschreiben sollte, möchte ich mir heute ausnahmsweise ein paar zeilen vom decibel magazine ausleihen:
The track we’re offering up, “So Sick” is taken from the band’s upcoming Three One G Records release, Kali Corvette, and is a pulsing, tribal synth-heavy jam with dark, sludgy overtones. It features the vocal improvisations of Daisy Press, as well as noise bass from Tim Dahl of Child Abuse. The track alternates between danceable and apocalyptic over the course of four minutes, as Ellis’ guttural vocals contrast with Press’ cleaner exhortations, while Keith’s staggered rhythms lend it a nervous, jittery feel.
aber hallo. smiley.