montagmorgenmusik: nick cave and the bad seeds (with melbourne symphony orchestra) – push the sky away (live)
may not sound as expected
grossartiger song mit einem sehenswertes video.
eine dieser bands, deren songs mit jedem anhören noch ein bisschen besser werden. sehr lecker.
Waking Up
Glowing In The Dark
Under Fire
wundervoll. einfach wundervoll. sollte zufällig jmd über ein video des kompletten auftritts stolpern, bitte bescheid sagen.
wahrlich grosses video-tennis. smiley.
ich freue mich schon auf den rest. smiley.
»Vertigo Dubs Vol.1: Odd Nosdam« is the first in a series of 10inches accompanying The Notwist’s current album »Vertigo Days«, and will present new versions of some of its tracks.
For this first volume, long-time collaborator Odd Nosdam drops a stripped-down and driving mix of the lead single »Ship«.
»Oh Sweet Fire«, on the other hand, was nearly rebuilt from scratch here: The song, which features Ben LaMar Gay in its original version, was not only remixed but also complemented by a brand new beat produced by JEL, as well as by some new vocal tracks, exclusively recorded by Saya of Tenniscoats.
»Vertigo Dubs Vol.1« is a continuation of The Notwist’s collective approach that led to »Vertigo Days«, while offering new access to the album’s songs.